Happy wheels bottle of water. Happy Wheels Games

Before you start reading the arcade, review the hero controls and level descriptions. If you don't like any of them, choose any other. If in an ordinary race the back and forth arrows serve to accelerate and brake, here they are responsible for tilting forward and backward, and the up and down keys allow you to go forward and backward (braking), respectively. Don't rush to race from the very beginning, as your vehicle will flip over and the racer will fly apart. Moreover, the body can be scattered all over the screen, and the vehicle will roll to the side.

The main key responsible for eliminating obstacles is Space. Most often this is either a jump over a hill or a shot. Happy Wheels also includes additional activities. Shift is responsible for the first additional action, and Control for the second. Secondary actions are actually specific skills that either each participant in the race has, or that are allocated specifically for you. Both of these keys are most often used to turn around, lower a person from a vehicle, or change position. There is also an interesting button for ejection - Z.

The game has about 100 levels, and it is interesting that all of them were practically developed by ordinary gamers. That is, each of us can participate in the development of this game. However, the most interesting of the 100 are the following 9 levels, and each of them is unique. Each has a name, a short description (it's on the right) and restrictions on participants. Some levels can be played by all participants, and some have restrictions. The levels are named from top to bottom: Obstacle Course? (Running with obstacles); Gut Bus Extreme! (Extreme on a bus with guts); BMX-Park II (BMH_Park II); SnowyMountain*final* (Final on a snowy mountain); Dawn of the Dead.lv1 (Dawn of the Dead); A large Satan eats u (Big Satan eats you); TrapTrac (Road with Trap); IT KEEPS HAPPENING! (It keeps happening); Rope Swings (Bungee). For example, for the first level of Steeplechase it says to worry like never before and pay attention to bad things. This is not a difficult level and is worth a try.

Main characters

The heroes of the game themselves are no less attractive! They are an old man in a wheelchair, a man on a Segway, a careless father cyclist with a child and an overweight woman on a supermarket cart. The last character and all future ones are available only in the full (not demo) version of the game.

In addition, the game features a couple on an old motorcycle, an old man with a lawnmower, a miner in a trolley, a man on a pogostick (a jumping stick) and a helicopter.

All the characters are intertwined and are members of one big family. The game as such does not have a script, but this does not prevent it from becoming more popular every year.

Take part in unusual races with cute heroes!

Happy Wheels Bottle Flip is a game with a very optimistic name and it really is… if you are into a bloody kind of fun. Those enjoying the challenges and violence will be thrilled with this highly dynamic and intense vehicle game based on real physics. You’ll set off on a mad ride through an obstacle-packed scene where everyone and everything seem to be out to get you. Making it to the end of the level really requires adamant nerves and razor-sharp reflexes! If you lose it, even for a second, chances are high for you to crash into some tree or fence or to slide off a precipice. It’s like getting in a real accident and experiencing all the adrenaline of near-death situations without any actual risk involved. You will find out how car crashes can occur and get a pretty detailed glimpse of various injuries, including bone fractures and limb losses! Choose your type of vehicle (bike, two-wheeler or wheelchair, each associated with its own character) and see everything for yourself!

If you love crazy racing and are not afraid of tough and slightly evil jokes, then you are our person! Anyone who loves danger and is not afraid of the sight of blood or flying arms and legs will appreciate the incredibly cool games of Happy Wheels. After all, Happy Wheels is a story of true love for life and extreme sports, which does not go away with age. Join the crazy wheelchair race and you will see that you can enjoy life in absolutely any position!

Love life!

A healthy mind can be found not only in a healthy body. And, if a person manages to maintain a thirst for adventure and a true love of life in any situation, then no misfortunes and no illnesses can make him truly cut off from the world.

Unfortunately, most of us pay too much attention to the troubles that await us at every step. If you get splashed with mud from a puddle in the morning, your mood will be spoiled for the whole day - even if you have enough time to change into clean clothes. Boors on public transport don’t even ruin your clothes, but there’s nothing left of your good mood immediately (even if it was there initially - at seven in the morning, on a crowded bus...)

Why do we not notice small joys, but at the same time we allow not even small, but insignificant, microscopic trifles to poison our existence? We can easily forget - or even not notice - how fervently and melodiously the birds chirped overhead. But as soon as one of them lands a grayish drop on the top of your head, you will remember this incident for a week! No, you can't live like that. We must take an example from those whom life has truly treated mercilessly, and who still do not lose heart!

For example, the game Happy Wheels introduces us to one such old man. Confined to a chair on wheels, the disabled person does not lose heart at all and continues to live life to the fullest! After all, why are two pairs of wheels worse than a pair of legs? Maybe their cross-country ability is worse, but their speed is higher! And at sufficient speed and with skillful control, cross-country ability increases significantly.

Of course, things aren't going well for grandpa so far. When you first start playing Happy Wheels, you will often lose control and tip over the stroller along with the cheerful old man - but nothing can stop him, since he has decided to go for a walk in such difficult terrain! Probably, one old man will not have enough health to endure all your experiments in driving his vehicle. But for each specific old man, the number of unsuccessful attempts that he can afford is limited. But you can try as many times as you like, because you can play Happy Wheels online on our website for free!

One famous disabled person

If the grandfather from the game Happy Wheels is a fictional character, then a comrade named Stephen Hawking is the most real one. Recently he has become a real star - which is rare in the modern world, considering that he works as a physicist! In our country, singers and actors usually become famous, but the expression “famous physicist” usually only means “other physicists know his name and may have read some of his work.”

But no, Stephen Hawking is truly famous, without any reservations! People who are very far from physics also know him, although few of them can say why he became so famous in science. Because among ordinary people he became famous for the fact that, although almost completely paralyzed, he led a very active life! He continues to do science, speaks to audiences and holds meetings, communicating through a special speech synthesizer.

His automatic wheelchair has a fairly powerful computer built into it, which he controls using a small panel resting on his arm. From this panel, he gives commands about where the stroller should go and types text, which will then be spoken using a speech synthesizer. Compared to Stephen Hawking, the guy we love to play Happy Wheels with is a completely healthy guy! Still, Stephen does not lose heart. If only we could learn this way! This skill, indeed, seems more incredible than all of Hawking’s achievements in physics combined.

Many more famous disabled people

Who surprises even more are the Paralympic athletes. We are accustomed to thinking that athletes are the healthiest people. Training requires considerable fortitude and endurance, and what a runner or swimmer’s body is forced to demonstrate during competitions is a triumph of the strength and power of the human body!

But the situation is completely different for those who take part in the Paralympic Games. If you don't know, the Paralympics are a sports competition for people with disabilities that are held immediately after the completion of each Olympic Games. Disabled athletes compete in all the same sports as their healthy colleagues - and achieve very impressive results. It is unlikely that a completely healthy but untrained person will be able to compete not even with a Paralympic champion, but just with some strong average person!

However, Paralympic athletes don’t even dare to call people with disabilities. As for me, my capabilities are much more limited: limited by my laziness, poor willpower and unlimited Internet access. I think you can say to yourself, hand on heart, exactly the same. The possibilities are unlimited for the one and only the one who is able to overcome himself and cope with any blows of fate.

As soon as you start playing the Happy Wheels game online, you will immediately understand that it is not physical problems that make our capabilities limited, but only our desire or reluctance to strive for our goal. If the old man from the game dreams of rushing forward at full speed, then what can stop him? Fortunately, in our age of advanced technology, a disabled person is no longer confined to a hospital bed. Many different devices and devices in the city's infrastructure give him the opportunity to lead the lifestyle that he can afford. And often these people live much more richly than you and I!

Life is a great thing!... No matter how you look at it.

You can watch the active old man, or you can just enjoy a fun, albeit a little cruel, game. The choice is yours! But it will still be better if the experience of communicating with a resilient disabled person makes you think about how good life is if you don’t be offended by fate, but be ready to accept any turn it takes.

Happy Wheels is a great example of how, even if you find yourself upside down, losing an arm or a leg, and filling everything around with your own blood, you can still move forward, knocking down everything in your path! We have collected all the Happy Wheels games on our website so that you can enjoy the cool gameplay anytime, anywhere, and most importantly - absolutely free!