Mod 1.12 2 cars jar. Download car mods for minecraft

On this page you can download mods for cars, planes, trains and other vehicles for the Minecraft game of various versions.

How to install:

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 2.5 MB | Format: jar

Versions: 1.11.2 | Size: 2.5 MB | Format: jar

Versions: 1.10.2 | Size: 2.5 MB | Format: jar

Car Datapack (1.13/1.14)

With this data package you can drive a car. Works in Minecraft 1.13 and 1.14+

There are 3 different cars: normal car, convertible and pickup. The cars also have some nice features like working lights and sounds.

Versions: 1.13./1.14 | Size: 0.58 MB | Format: zip

Alcara_v1 Realistic Cars Pack 1.12.2

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 3.0 MB | Format: zip

Transport Simulator Pack

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 3.39 MB | Format: jar


Probably every player dreamed of an aerial walk through the binomial world. Such an opportunity has appeared, and the walk will not be in the “creative” mode.

Of all the mods, ViseCraft is the coolest and probably the most difficult. The mod allows you to build an aircraft that looks very much like an airship. It will take a lot of materials and time to build it, but it's worth it, as the developers have added 7 different options for the airship.

Each of them has its own parameters (height, speed, appearance...). But in order to inspect your possessions from a bird's eye view, you still need to figure out the control panel. For avid fans, this will not be difficult.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 16.3 MB | Format: jar

ultimate car

The Ultimate Car mod proved once again that nothing is impossible in the binomial world. Even the creation of such a complex transport as a car is not difficult. But the mod is not just limited to ready-made blocks. Creating your own car and the corresponding infrastructure is more than realistic, because it needs to be refueled, repaired and roads built for it.

It all starts with fuel crafting and a car service where a car is created. Vehicles can be created with different characteristics (size, color, speed, etc.). It remains only to craft a track with markings, refuel and hit the road!

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 2.2 MB | Format: jar

Cars and Engines

Modification Cars and Engines, will bring to the world of Minecraft the ability to assemble and customize your own car. After installation, eight cars will appear in the game, each of which can be customized and modified: paint, change wheels and other details that can be easily found in the villages. Each module will make this car unique, and a set of five engines will help make the perfect car. Assemble your dream car, feel like a design engineer and make your Minecraft world unique.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 22.3 MB | Format: jar

RedCliffe Republic Vehicles

The addon adds some post-apocalyptic colors to the binomial world. Works with the mod of realistic mechanisms (Immersive Vehicles).

Immerse yourself completely in the atmosphere of the destroyed, old world will not work, but you will be able to drive rusty cars. The addon adds three vehicles that miraculously survived the fire of a devastating war.

    Ordinary pickup truck - nothing special, rusty, but on the go;

    Family station wagon - there is a convenient trunk. You can stuff your belongings into it and boldly hit the road;

    Upgraded pickup - built for survival.

The most interesting thing is to drive on a modified pickup truck. Powerful headlights, spikes, spare tires and even a machine gun in the back will make any trip easy and safe.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 1.37 MB | Format: jar


The Flan's mod serves as a kind of core for a huge variety of modifications. In its original form, the mod significantly expands the game world, adding a huge number of features: it expands the arsenal of weapons, brings a variety of vehicles to Minecraft, from cars to planes, as well as a wide variety of other equipment. The mod will allow you to customize the game for a variety of settings, from war in outer space to the creation of the world of the era of Ancient Rome, and all this is just one modification.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 1.4 MB | Format: jar


The desire of players to diversify the binomial world makes developers come up with new interesting modifications. These "mods" include OpenBlocks. It contains numerous ready-made blocks that differ in function and purpose.

There are a lot of blocks. Almost all of them are useful - for example, the Building Guide, which creates a hologram of the future building, or the Elevator, which completely replaces vertical stairs.

Some of the blocks are still waiting to be used - for example, Target and Item Cannon, which may be relevant for various quests. And the purpose of many is still unknown. There is nothing else left - you need to use the "mod" to figure everything out.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 3.14 MB | Format: jar

Immersive railroading

If you always wanted to have a railroad in Minecraft, then the Immersive Railroading modification is what you have been looking for all the time. You can create a whole railway network, with a variety of trains, each of which can be controlled. Trains need fuel, so you still need to take care of finding it. All trains are modeled on real copies, have a well-developed physical model. Become the driver of your train, build a railway and hit the road through the picturesque expanses.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 96.5 MB | Format: jar

Caterpillar Pack

Not everyone probably knows that there is a Caterpillar company that produces bulldozers. It is the bulldozers of this company that are presented in the "fashion". Crafting is a bit complicated, since you will have to collect equipment literally from scratch, however, I don’t think that this will stop Minecraft fans.

And given that there are 13 different types of construction equipment in the "mod", one can only guess how long it will take to craft bulldozers. Of course, there is a tiny minus - a minimum of realism, does not dig, does not move caterpillars, but it drives.

Versions: 1.1.1 | Size: 7.7 MB | Format: jar

Flan's Titan Pack

Hello to everyone who is fond of robotics and does not mind combining it with the Minecraft game. Of course, building a full-fledged assistant robot will not work, since we are talking more about exoskeletons. But the idea of ​​"fashion" is very original.

The developer "mod" offers us the craft of three titan robots, each with a name and functionality.

The main characteristics of the titans:

Proto is the simplest and easiest bot in terms of crafting. It is slightly higher than two meters, has a small baggage, good efficiency, and is designed for resource mining.

Alpha - twice the size of the previous bot. Advantage - you can add useful tools to your inventory.

Zero is a difficult craft, but it's worth it, as it is 30% larger than Alpha. Stuffing it with any equipment or tools is not difficult.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.89 MB | Format: jar


Ore "Florite" can be called the ninth element in Minecraft. With its help, the crafting of plant elements of the binomial world is activated. Swords, bows, staves - they turn out to be quite interesting, and taking into account the superimposed effects, they are irreplaceable. One of the properties, for example, is the call of a defender mob.

But the most interesting thing is two new vehicles:

    Functional "glider" - helps to move through the air or water, the speed is decent.

    Semi-automatic robot - designed for jogging, climbing, jumping...

In general, the “mod” turned out to be rich, because in addition to fresh recipes and machines, it adds biome locations with their own flora and fauna. Sometimes mini-bosses or other aggressive "mobs" come across.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.72 MB | Format: zip

Simply Conveyors

Functional "mod" Simply Conveyors for conveyors of varying complexity.

    Tape direction:

    Vertical. Works like an elevator.

    Horizontal, there are ordinary and inverted (relevant when installed on the ceiling).

    Staircase, the main use of which is escalators, but can be used in transportation.

The ribbons carry anything: items, Steve, mobs... The modification includes special boots that keep the player on the ribbon, and a direction key.

The conveyor can be made of iron, gold, diamond. Iron ones are responsible for movement, gold ones are for supply, but the diamond function allows you to insert various modules into the tape (damage or slowdown module).

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.27 MB | Format: jar


Flying islands have always suggested that Minecraft has anti-gravity. But only the developers of the "mod" Hoverboard came up to practical use.

Stiv gets a back to the future gravity pad skateboard, remember? The flight speed is such that it takes your breath away, besides, you can jump high on it (press the space key).

A simple version of the "board" needs to be charged using an Energy converter. But, in order not to waste time, we recommend using the Creative model. No gas stations, only free movement in the binomial world.

Golden Airport

Greetings to all Minecraft fans who have been waiting for this modification for several years. True, we already have MCheli or Flans, but after installing the "mod" you will feel the difference. The developers of this "resource pack" did their best, now we can not easily fly, but build a full-fledged airport. With all the ingredients, of course!

What can be crafted?

Passenger liners, fuel trucks, baggage carriers, terminals, runways...

Of the liners available CRJ-200. Two more A-320s and an BC-4 will be available shortly.

Realistic size 1 to 1, as well as the possibility of flight.

The only negative is the presence of Unu Parts and Immersive Vehicles modifications, but I think you have them installed for a long time.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.65 MB | Format: jar

Flan's World War Two Pack

Decided to see what tanks, planes, ships, cars looked like during World War II? Then we recommend installing this resource pack for the Flans mod.

The developers have tried, of course. More than 15 units of military equipment were created, there is even a destroyer. And despite the weak realism of "physics", the texture is worked out in detail. The rendering of small details was done for the gun, armor, camouflage.

But the most interesting thing is the management. A simple example, ammo reloading is so realistic that you instantly forget that you are still in Minecraft.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 5.72 MB | Format: jar

Seagull's Civil Car

The mod was created exclusively for maps with full-fledged roads - markings, crossings, traffic lights ... The modification adds about 17 cars to the binomial world, which are one hundred percent functional. That is, you can ride them and enjoy city views.

Brand models from the 60s, and end in 2019. However, from the 19th only Trin Sportail. All machines are available in several color options. By the way, military transport is also available, for example, police cars.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 52.64 MB | Format: jar

Black Thorne Civilian Pack

The mod was called black, but definitely not because of the color of the cars that will appear after its installation. All colors are available. For example, Chevrolet Corvair, Vespa Piaggio and Volkswagen Beetle are available in 16 colors!

All cars, of course, from the 60s. Even transport, which belongs to various professions, was not ignored:

police cars and trucks;

fire trucks;


military armored personnel carrier amphibian, etc.

There is even a transport for the transport of radioactive substances. In general, there will be time to study.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 46.02 MB | Format: jar

heavy industrial

Well, who hasn't dreamed of becoming a trucker and cutting through kilometers of roads in cargo trucks? Mod gives this opportunity to all fans of the game. True, you have to sweat with the craft of the tractor.

So far, one seat tractor is available, and unfortunately it does not have a truck, the developers promised to fix this minus in the next version. In the meantime, we collect our truck, choose a color for it, set up the dashboard and go.

The driver's cab is very comfortable and functional, there is almost everything for a good rest, even a small toilet.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 5.93 MB | Format: jar

food vehicles

This modification can be attributed to the most unexpected in the binomial world. The fantasy of the developers decided to combine the incompatible, but some instances look quite interesting.

After installation, the player will receive cars made from vegetables, fruits or other edible products. So far, eight variants of machines with carrots, cheese, ham, and lettuce are available. The immediate plans of the "creators" are to add tomatoes, an apple and zucchini.

"Mod" works as an add-on for mr.Crayfishs Vehicle Mod, while maintaining all the technical characteristics of the vehicle.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.74 MB | Format: jar

Moonspire Metropolitan Motors Pack

Great "mod" for fans of city maps. The developer offers four versions of the city bus with full functionality. Despite the fact that the beta version is in constant development, the buses look decent.

The textures and interior arrangement are quite realistic, the developers plan to add the possibility of transporting passengers. In the meantime, only the driver can ride the bus.

The modification works with Transport Simulator and is gradually updated with public transport. For the complete "revitalization" of the metropolis, perhaps, only garbage trucks are not enough.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.56 MB | Format: jar

SoggyMustache's Transportation

The modification offers an interesting selection of vehicles that are fully functional and will bring a little variety to the binomial world.

The mod is popular among players. It has not only cars of various brands or motorcycles, the developers offer to ride bicycles, a loader or a horse-drawn carriage.

Crafting vehicles is simple, however, drawing textures leaves much to be desired. According to the assurances of the creators of the mod, for the next version they will add a few more heavy cars, as well as fix the textures. Will wait.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.95 MB | Format: jar


The modification will be of interest to fans of the popular film Taxi and fans of driving. A well-thought-out texture, special "chips" that turn the car into a racing sports car - diversified the already huge binomial world.

One press of the R key and our Peugeot will extend the sports body kit, air intakes, spoiler and increase speed by three times. And if we press the I key, we can roll "sideways" on two wheels. For thrill-seekers, flight is available, just attach a parachute and go!

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.43 MB | Format: jar

Transformers Unlimited

The mod developer, inspired by the transformers saga, decided to integrate a piece of cybertron into minecraft. According to the author's idea, the player needs to build a bridge to the world of auto-bots and start extracting resources. And so that the player does not relax, he will be opposed by a couple of transformer mobs - terribly aggressive.

So far, only three characters are available, with high texture rendering and the ability to transform into a car or plane. Added a bunch of new armor and weapons, including two huge machine guns. As well as artifacts with a new ore "energon", which is the key to the revival of the old world of bots.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 0.60 MB | Format: jar

Steve's Carts Reborn

The minecart mod is made exclusively for players who have a farm or like to go down into the mines to extract minerals.

The player will receive not just a trolley, but a full-fledged assistant robot that works in automatic mode. Energy production, ore mining, seed planting and harvesting are only a small part of what can be done with the new carts.

Crafting is simple, it is much more interesting to “screw” mechanisms to a new assistant - there is room for fantasy to roam. The only negative is the need for rails. True, this will not stop real fans of the game.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 2.43 MB | Format: jar

Dr_prof_Luigi's Content Pack

An interesting modification that is related to technology will be a great addition to the Flans content pack. The mod is not tied to any particular topic, in it you can find everything from a bicycle to an airplane. Every time the developers add something new.

The latest mod updates gave the player: a helicopter, a caterpillar tractor, a harvester and a couple more cars. Texture detail and mechanics are quite realistic. We can say with confidence that each player will find his favorite technique in the modification.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 6.44 MB | Format: jar

Real Train (RTM)

The authors of "mods" rarely manage to create a really high-quality "product". Real Train exceeded all expectations. Being in beta testing, the modification gave Minecraft fans great textures, detail, and mechanics. You can craft almost everything related to the railway: wagons, trains, stations...

It is desirable to decorate the station with various design elements. About ten trains, plus additional units of related equipment - this is half the mod. The most interesting thing, having launched your train, really walk inside it, network in a chair, look at the views.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 14.95 MB | Format: jar

Black Thorne Military Vehicles

This is a separate package for the famous "mod" BlackThorn, primarily interesting for its huge cannon, which can only be moved along rails. For the gun, you will have to craft the entire infrastructure. The mod is still raw and the gun does not shoot, but its appearance will instill fear in any opponent.

All other transport works fine. These are various trucks, jeeps, trains... As expected, military vehicles have a camouflage color. The developers did a good job on the textures, for different seasons there is a different shade of camouflage.

Versions: 1.12.2 | Size: 9.06 MB | Format: jar

MrCrayfish's Vehicle

This mod will be appreciated by those who like to cut space on ATVs, the author did his best. The details of the ATV, design and physics are well worked out, it creates the feeling that the speed is whistling in the ears.

But the coolest thing is that the ATV can be repainted in your favorite color. It is a pity that the mod is in development. But we can already craft the jet ski, motorboat, moped and heaps of other vehicles promised by the author. By the way, a jet ski does not need roads, so we choose the water world and go on adventures.

It's time to publish an updated version of the mod for Minecraft 1.12.2, after installing which you will have supercars - expensive cars, very realistic and similar to real-life models. This mod was finalized several times, because the developers added more and more new versions of the car to it, and also corrected the existing ones. You can download it from the link below for free. If you do not have experience installing modifications for Minecraft yourself - below is a step-by-step guide.

Can these cars be driven?

Yes, you can ride all these cars, as the top reviewers of Minecraft mods on YouTube do. In total, there are more than 30 cars of different colors and brands in the selection, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from. What brand are you a fan of? Mercedes? BMW? Or maybe you like Ferrari? There are brands such as:

Lamborghini Huracan (fastest in the collection)
- Lamborghini Murciélago LP670 SV
- Rolls Royce Phantom
- Audi Q7
- Ford Model T2 1926
- Renault Magnum Truck
- Renault Magnum Tipper
-Mercedes Benz S65 AMG
- Porsche 911 Carrera S
-Porsche 911S
- Porsche 911 GT3 RS
- Bugatti Chiron (the most expensive in the collection)
- Audi R8 DTM
- Ferrari Enzo
- Excavators

Porsche 911
- Lamborghini Aventador LP 740-4
- Chopper
- Sauber C9
-Nissan Skyline GT-R
-Mercedes Benz G63 AMG
- Ferrari Enzo FXX
- Ferrari F40
- Ferrari Testarossa

Most cars have features such as headlights and door opening. They can be used by pressing the K button on your keyboard after installing the mod and selecting the desired car.

Download for Minecraft for cars for 1.12.2 (Alcara)

How to put

1. Download and install (if you don't have it already),
2. Download the mod from the link above (.jar),
3. Open a folder C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods. (If there is no mods folder, create it)
4. Unpack the archive there (copy the file).
5. Launch the Minecraft launcher, select a profile forge and play with the new mod.

Available the best collection of mods for cars, machines and equipment in Minecraft! Have you ever wanted to add planes, cars, tanks, guns, grenades and more to your game? Enjoy peaceful flying through the minecraft sky and driving through your worlds, or download mods for military vehicles and tanks and hit, shoot and blast mobs, blocks and even other players. With the help of these mods, you can download various military mods, study equipment and learn how to shoot, and much more!

- Instant addition of a large number of equipment.
- Detailed information about vehicles and weapons
- Hundreds of mods for Minecraft PC

What are you waiting for? Choose mods for military equipment and vehicles now, for your version of the game! Only the best modifications for military equipment and vehicles will allow you to quickly and happily travel around the minecraft world, transport resources and fight mobs or other players on tanks, planes and helicopters with mods from the site

Dear! There is excellent news for you, now it is possible to install new cars and have a unique graphic design of realistic vehicles, thanks to which is famous for its car simulator in terms of racing cars, modern vehicles, as well as sports equipment with an angry engine, equipped with the most powerful cars on which you can to ride like a breeze through the boundless wilds of the cubic universe.

Just like in the previous version of the car mod, the add-on uses a modification that contains not only vehicles, but also other mechanical add-ons.

The possibilities are endless and expand even more with multiplayer. The multiplayer game offers online mode on the computer and collaboration in the cubic world.

The concept of Minecraft is quite simple and amazing. Take a mechanic, let's say a constructor, put a person in first person and get rid of all this complexity in a simple lego sandbox. Also add an element of resource extraction, zombies and various monsters that hide at night.

Exploring randomly generated caves - It's not a boring job, because the sense of adventure is so exciting that you'll forget you're even playing a pixel Java game, but when you have the resources, the real fun begins, because now you can create anything, if it consists of large blocks and a limited color palette.

Extremely easy to use car mod with many great vehicles, which has a user-friendly interface designed for both hardcore and casual gamers, with different game difficulties.

Alcara mod- This is an add-on for the game that adds modern vehicles and some models of ancient cars. Mod uses Java technology, which improves integration into the gaming atmosphere.

If you touch on the topic of car physics in the game universe and you want realistic graphics like in games Need For Speed or test drive, then alas, this has not yet been invented here, since the main concept of the game is made for construction, role-playing adventures, so additional mods can be ordered to secondary additions that make the game more diverse, as well as adding transport more or less close to realistic games.

Minecraft is not exactly a video game as you know it, one that lacks a tutorial, and that doesn't have a clear goal or proverbial guideline, and an overarching story.

Another aspect of Minecraft's design lies in the sheer number of texture packs and mods available for download since the game's release, but these mods take a long process to download, install, and just like the rest of the game, pay off with patience, and the gameplay is more than worth it to install the necessary modifications, but if you are very far in terms of installing mods, then the best option is to choose for yourself.

Other indie games can be considered projects that were created by amateurs, and most often they turned into hasty ideas aimed at elevating lesser-known companies, but the best project in the gaming universe is the game that has gained immense popularity, and now this sandbox is considered one of the most successful games in the construction genre.

How to install mod on cars?

  1. Add a mod to the game
  2. Download and unzip the archive
  3. Run the file Alcara-Mod-Minecraft, which will automatically install all the necessary files in the folder with the Minecraft game.

After installing the files Alcara-Mod-1.12.2.jar, Flans-Simple-Parts-Pack-1.12.2.jar, Simple Parts-Content Pack-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar will be in the folder /Flan and Java modFlan's Mod-1.12.2-5.5.2.jarlocated in the folder.minecraft/mods