How to enter the game escape from tarkov. Escape from Tarkov - Game Review

What is Escape from Tarkov?

Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore story-driven multiplayer online game at the intersection of the FPS/TPS and RPG genres. The developers compare the concept of Escape from Tarkov with Destiny and the not yet released Tom Clancy's The Division. They will begin introducing us to the game in the near future through thematic videos about various game modules. Age rating EFT 18+.

About the developer:

  • The game is being developed by Battlestate Games, founded in 2012.
  • Some of the employees worked and are working on behalf of the company AbsolutSoft (Contract Wars).
  • The team currently includes about 40 specialists.
  • Among the developers there are both specialists who grew up from scratch, as well as professionals with extensive experience who worked on Stalker, Mass Effect and Bioshock.
  • The studio does not depend on anyone and does not plan to use crowdfunding platforms.

Plot and universe:

  • The game is based on the fictional universe of Russia 2028, in which several games will be released and several books will be written. The idea to create a universe originated 7 years ago.
  • The events of the game are the prehistory of the world of Russia 2028. After the events of EFT, chaos and war with the use of nuclear weapons sets in, which will throw people back into neo-feudalism.
  • The events of the game are related to the illegal activities of the transnational corporation Terra Group.
  • The conflict involves two private military companies (factions) - USEC (West) and BEAR (Russia), which will ultimately have to join forces.
  • The hero finds himself caught up in the tangled events in the city center in the face of imminent collapse and must find a way out.
  • Tarkov is a modern fictional Russian city with infrastructure and suburbs.
  • The developers tried to create a simulation of the world before the real collapse of civilization due to the human factor - no anomalous cataclysms, mutants or the arrival of aliens.
  • The game will have a thoughtful storyline, full of both dry realism and emotionality.
  • The plot will be revealed through quests through information items, recorded dialogue and pre-game cinematics.
  • The player will have to invent some of the quests (50%) for himself, relying on found objects and solving riddles (“What kind of code did I find?”, “What is that locked room in the hotel?”).

Game modes and scale:

  • Scenario walkthrough (Raids, Scenarios). The main mode with PvE/PvP, quests, loot, and all this in fairly large open raid locations (city center, suburb, chemical plant, lighthouse, port, etc.).
  • Free roam. A large open location without any session restrictions with dynamic quests, merchants embodied in the form of NPC characters, events, etc.
  • Offline mode (Vault), so far implemented in menu format. This is everything you can do while not in combat: inventory management, weapon customization, group management, trading, etc.
  • The developers plan to add arcade modes, such as Team Deathmatch.
  • The time for completing Scenarios is limited and determined by plot points.
  • The player entering the Scenario will not know who is in the location.
  • In order to successfully complete a location in Scenario mode (and open the next one), the player must find a way out of the location (of which there may be several).
  • Locations in Scenario mode are up to 8 square kilometers in size and feel reminiscent of locations from Stalker.
  • Locations in the Scenarios mode are “live”: here there are changes in times of day and weather effects, various events such as spontaneous mortar strikes, invasions of local Savage marauders, etc.
  • You can go through previously opened Scenarios as many times as you like.
  • The location in Free roam mode has an area of ​​16 square kilometers.
  • The largest locations currently accommodate up to 64 players.

Leveling up and character:

  • There will be customization (so far only the choice of head has been announced).
  • The game has a classless system, but the choice of faction at the beginning of the game determines the character's unique skills and starting equipment.
  • Character development is based on a "skill-based" system, that is, based on repetition (like in the Elder Scrolls).
  • Skills are upgraded by level, each skill level gives a bonus.
  • The maximum skill level is 50, the maximum skill level unlocks an elite skill.
  • Skills are divided into four categories - physical(vitality, health, strength, etc.), mental(related to perception, intelligence, attentiveness, charisma, memory, etc.), combat(possession of various types, extinguishing, recoil, throwing, etc.) and practical(stealth, medical assistance, weapon modification, barter, network marketing, silent and night operations, electronic hacking, etc.).
  • Without pumping up certain skills for a long time, the character begins to forget them.
  • The system of skill bonuses is not limited to static bonuses - everything is displayed visually: the character begins to hold weapons and reload differently, use medicine as needed, become more stress-resistant, etc.
  • For various actions the player receives experience, which increases the level.
  • Experience is given at the end of the Raid. 4 key positions are evaluated: Exploring (research, exploring the world, etc.), Treatment (treatment, repair, etc.), Killing ("quality" kills, series, headshots, etc.), Looting (picking in "garbage", hacking, etc.) .
  • Levels serve as a kind of classifier of the player by type of gameplay (play style, statistics, reputation, etc.).

Equipment, mining, crafting and economy:

  • All weapons and equipment in the game are absolutely real and have real physical characteristics, including the type of ammunition. There will be no fantastic weapons.
  • List of known types of items: weapons, weapon parts, medicines, supplies, cartridges, unloading vests, grenades, barter items, three types of game money.
  • Rare items can be found in unexpected places, behind closed coded doors, and even in special places that require you to complete independent side quests to access.
  • The main element of crafting will be the assembly of unique configurations of weapons and other elements of equipment (such as body armor, ammunition) from real spare parts and mods (there will be no traditional MMO crafting from materials).
  • The weapon can be completely disassembled, parts replaced, etc., but this requires suitable elements and spare parts.
  • The inventory has a slot structure.
  • The game will have an economy with trade, exchange, etc.
  • There will be NPC merchants in the game, which are implemented according to the "event-based" principle: a merchant can get sick, a caravan can be robbed, etc. - all this will affect the economy.

Hardcore and simulator:

  • You can die in different ways: from various types of wounds, dehydration, blood loss, poisoning, infection, etc.
  • Weather and external conditions will affect the gameplay (body temperature, pressure, etc.).
  • Treatment requires various medications: splints, bandages, tranquilizers, antibiotics, etc.
  • In the game you need to eat and drink so as not to die of hunger at the most inopportune moment.
  • The game has pain effects, concussions, and even mental confusion in particularly long and exhausting raids.
  • The game will have full control over shooting from various positions, including the degree of crouching, prone position, etc.
  • The game will feature a peeking system, as well as blind shooting. There will be no "sticking".
  • The game will have full control over movement speed, directly related to the stealth gameplay.
  • The combat part is called the Combat Simulator: EFT implements correct reloading, loading a cartridge into the breech, unfolding, folding butts, different grips of weapons depending on pumped up skills, etc.
  • The developers are trying to make the behavior of the weapon as realistic as possible: the weapon jams, cartridge distortions occur, overheating, misfires, etc.
  • Bullets are subject to ballistics, deflection after penetrating obstacles, splintering, and ricochets.
  • When you die, you lose all the equipment (experience and skills are not lost) with which you entered the raid (the cache remains intact, but you can only store money and quest items in it; there will also be insurance in game currency).

Social interaction, PvP and team play:

  • The game is built on the FFA principle - you can kill everyone. Companions can betray you, kill you, and take your loot for themselves, so choose your companions wisely.
  • You can also play as the NPC faction of marauders (Savages), but with pre-installed equipment and loot inventory.
  • The game will have some kind of karma system.
  • When playing with partners, you develop skills together (a la the collective mind).
  • While playing together, you can communicate with your partners through a system of replicas (loot was found, I see an enemy, open the door, found a way out, etc.) via walkie-talkie or by voice directly into the “world.”
  • In some scenarios it is necessary to play as a team, because... You will need to perform actions that require the participation of at least 2 people.
  • The game will have an exchange system (you can transfer an item to a partner).
  • There will be Groups in the game - this is not just a clan tag, they will be useful. It is planned to create a system of groupings-guilds with their own cache, management, distribution of roles, etc.
  • The game will have an espionage system.
  • In the initial locations you can play solo, and then either skill or partners.

Technical part:

  • The game is created on the Unity engine.
  • The game does not yet support DX11/DX12.
  • There will be no browser version (the developers already have the popular Contract Wars).
  • The developers have extensive experience in combating cheaters and are developing their own protection module.
  • The game will not be demanding on hardware.
  • All characters will be voiced, including NPCs.
  • The game will be partially destructible.
  • The game will feature weather and time of day changes.

An online shooter with role-playing elements in a post-apocalyptic setting, the action of which takes place on the territory of the fictional Russian city of Tarkov. Players will have access to several types of experience, more than 100 different skills, realistic hit and ballistics physics, as well as a lot of opportunities (trade, espionage, world exploration, resource collection, battles, assaults, cooperative missions).

General information

The post-apocalyptic city of Tarkov, on whose territory the fighting will take place, is surrounded by checkpoints of the Russian Armed Forces and the UN. The main task facing the player is to survive and find a way out of the blocked city. Players will control mercenary thugs employed by two private military organizations.


The game world is full of dangers, death awaits gamers at every turn: a character can die from radiation, exhaustion, disease or untreated wounds. Interestingly, each type of injury will have its own consequences. Of course, it is even easier to move to the “other world” with the help of fighters from the enemy company. However, the creators are not going to leave the player to the mercy of fate: completing story-oriented missions will help increase the chances of survival.


While exploring the game world, the protagonist receives different types of experience: the type of experience depends on the activity that is preferred. You can engage in trade, go on research expeditions, collect resources, organize reconnaissance operations, spy, storm enemy strongholds, etc. There are more than 100 skills available, they are divided into 4 types: combat, physical, mental and practical.

We are ready to add a new name. The game Escape from Tarkov takes place in the realistic scenery of the Russian city of Tarkov. According to the plot, members of two private military organizations were locked within the city, surrounded by checkpoints of the Russian Armed Forces and the UN. They have to confront not only a hostile environment, but also each other. To survive and escape from the encirclement, players will have to go through many tests of strength and unravel all the secrets of Tarkov.

The game's heroes will have to face a number of deadly dangers. The threat comes from both members of a hostile organization and the aggressive influence of the environment. Death can occur at any time - from radiation poisoning, disease, exhaustion or various types of injuries. The game world is unpredictable and lives by its own laws. To survive in it, players have to use numerous system modules, choose survival and combat tactics. The character's actions are completely controlled by the player.

Features of Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov is a hard-hitting action game set in a modern Russian city. The action is shown in first person. The fate of the character depends solely on the player’s ability to instantly calculate the situation, which is constantly and unpredictably changing, and defeat any opponent.

Completing each task increases the character's chances of survival and with each step brings him closer to the final goal - escaping from the besieged city. It also gradually introduces you to the history of the city.

The overview present in Escape from Tarkov is unusually realistic. The game takes into account dozens of factors affecting the character. Physical condition, injuries, environmental influences - everything affects his actions and capabilities. Ballistics and hit physics are completely realistic, and spectacular animation creates a sense of presence.

The player has complete control over the character's movements, hidden actions and interaction with the outside world. The work with weapons and their customization have been worked out in great detail.

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Official FAQ

What is Escape from Tarkov? Who is the developer?

Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore story-driven multiplayer online game at the intersection of the FPS / TPS and RPG genres with MMO elements.
The developer is the Russian company Battlestate Games, which is located in St. Petersburg.

Will the game be shareware (free2play)?

No, the game will be exclusively buy to play, that is, bought once and for good. Microtransactions (donations) are not planned in the game. But inexpensive paid DLC is planned

Will Escape from Tarkov be a session shooter? What modes will there be in EFT?

In the classical sense - no. The game will consist of several modes. The player has one life, and when he dies, the player loses everything he came with and everything he found at the location.

The first mode will be released with the release of the game - this is a scenario walkthrough. That is, the game session (which will last an hour and a half on average) will take place in large open locations with an area of ​​5-10 square kilometers. The player’s task will be to sequentially go through these scenarios - raids, the principles of exit from which will differ based on the plot premises. Having completed one scenario, the next one opens. The player can return to a completed scenario to search for specific loot, or for more detailed research (thorough research can lead to the discovery of special side locations).

After all the scenarios are implemented (and there are about 10 of them planned), freeroam mode will be opened, in which the player can freely move around an area of ​​15 square kilometers without any time limit. There is also an ARENA mode, which in its principles resembles gladiatorial fights.

That is, although EFT in scenario mode will have a session, it will be determined by purely plot points (the hero escapes from Tarkov). In freeroam mode there will be no time limit on staying at a location. And in Arena mode, the session will be limited by the fact of your own death or the death of an enemy.

Will there be a story in Escape from Tarkov?

Escape from Tarkov is a story-driven game, despite its online nature. Everything that happens in the game will be determined by the plot of the main line and a lot of side quests, some of which will be given out by merchants, and some of which the player will have to solve himself without any hints.

Where and when does Escape from Tarkov take place?

Escape from Tarkov takes place in an alternate universe in modern times. The main setting is the fictional Russian city of Tarkov (and its environs), the northern industrial and financial center of the country. The events described in the game, in turn, are the prehistory of the Russia 2028 universe. The city of Tarkov found itself in the center of a war of private military corporations, which began as a result of the underground illegal activities of the transnational corporation Terra Group. For unknown reasons, the situation in the city sharply destabilized, the residents were evacuated, and only mercenaries, “Wild” bandits and various dark personalities remained, pursuing unknown interests.

A more detailed historical synopsis can be read here -

What is Escape from Tarkov? Who is the developer?

Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore story-driven multiplayer online game at the intersection of the FPS / TPS and RPG genres with MMO elements.
The developer is the Russian company Battlestate Games, which is located in St. Petersburg.

Will the game be shareware (free2play)?

No, the game will be exclusively buy to play, that is, bought once and for good. Microtransactions (donations) are not planned in the game. But inexpensive paid DLC is planned

Will Escape from Tarkov be a session shooter? What modes will there be in EFT?

In the classical sense - no. The game will consist of several modes. The player has one life, and when he dies, the player loses everything he came with and everything he found at the location.

The first mode will be released with the release of the game - this is a scenario walkthrough. That is, the game session (which will last an hour and a half on average) will take place in large open locations with an area of ​​5-10 square kilometers. The player’s task will be to sequentially go through these scenarios - raids, the principles of exit from which will differ based on the plot premises. Having completed one scenario, the next one opens. The player can return to a completed scenario to search for specific loot, or for more detailed research (thorough research can lead to the discovery of special side locations).

After all the scenarios are implemented (and there are about 10 of them planned), freeroam mode will be opened, in which the player can freely move around an area of ​​15 square kilometers without any time limit. There is also an ARENA mode, which in its principles resembles gladiatorial fights.

That is, although EFT in scenario mode will have a session, it will be determined by purely plot points (the hero escapes from Tarkov). In freeroam mode there will be no time limit on staying at a location. And in Arena mode, the session will be limited by the fact of your own death or the death of an enemy.

Will there be a story in Escape from Tarkov?

Escape from Tarkov is a story-driven game, despite its online nature. Everything that happens in the game will be determined by the plot of the main line and a lot of side quests, some of which will be given out by merchants, and some of which the player will have to solve himself without any hints.

Where and when does Escape from Tarkov take place?

Escape from Tarkov takes place in an alternate universe in modern times. The main setting is the fictional Russian city of Tarkov (and its environs), the northern industrial and financial center of the country. The events described in the game, in turn, are the prehistory of the Russia 2028 universe. The city of Tarkov found itself in the center of a war of private military corporations, which began as a result of the underground illegal activities of the transnational corporation Terra Group. For unknown reasons, the situation in the city sharply destabilized, the residents were evacuated, and only mercenaries, “Wild” bandits and various dark personalities remained, pursuing unknown interests.

The MMO events will unfold in the fictional Norvinsk region - a special economic zone that has become a “gateway” between Russia and Europe. Excellent conditions for large international companies have attracted not only law-abiding entrepreneurs to the region, but also corporations with dubious plans. In a large city in the region, Tarkov, a scandal broke out around a transatlantic company. Six months later, the political confrontation turned into an armed conflict, which involved UN peacekeepers, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and two private military corporations. The borders of the region were blocked, and those who found themselves in the thick of the flaring local war were cut off from the outside world.

In the Norvinsk region, two private military companies, attracted by two sides of the old conflict, are most active. USEC, hired by the scandalous international corporation Terra Group, organizes local military clashes in the region and actively prevents local authorities from investigating the activities of Terra Group. In addition, according to intelligence services, USEC is engaged in covering up prohibited work and research of a foreign company. BEAR, rumored to have been created on the direct orders of the Russian government, works for the official structures of the Norvinsk region and is looking for any evidence of illegal actions by Terra Group.

Every day the situation in the Norvinsk region is becoming more complicated and confusing. Against the backdrop of constant hostilities, panic broke out in the city of Tarkov: the population was fleeing, and those who remained were seeking to profit at the expense of others. Having accepted the new realities as a given and gathered into well-armed groups, the “wild” Tarkovites set about dividing the city. Today, all of Tarkov is demarcated by invisible lines, beyond which the territories of one gang or another extend: ready to do anything for the sake of profit, they do not stop either at killing civilians or at confrontation with two private military companies.

Players will have to try on the role of one of the mercenaries who survived the first stage of the war in Tarkov. Having chosen one of two sides - USEC or BEAR - the hero begins his journey from the city center. Tarkov is blocked by the UN and the Russian military, supply lines are cut off, communication with the command is lost - in these conditions, everyone decides in their own way what to do and how to get out of the chaos-ridden metropolis.

Will it be possible to take EFT alone?

There are no plans for offline single player. The player can play the game alone online, without the help of friends in co-op. But this does not save him from the presence of other players at the locations. Moreover, in the final scenarios, going on a raid with partners is highly recommended.

How will the RPG component be implemented?

The main role-playing components of EFT are the inventory system, leveling and leveling up the character's skills. Obtaining new levels (levels) will be associated with earning experience (killing, looting, healing, exploring locations, breaking doors and safes, etc.)

The role-playing component will be similar to the mechanics of The Elder Scrolls games and will be based on repetition. Leveling up in general is similar to the system in The Elder Scrolls - we improve skills through repetition, for example, leveling up intelligence:

  • 1 subject studied for 20% intelligence skill;
  • 1 hack without a multitool for 1% skill;
  • 1 hack with a multitool for 4% skill;
  • 200 weapon repair units per 1% skill.


  • Increasing the speed of studying objects (up to +100%);
  • Acceleration of basic hacking speed (up to +100%);
  • Increased weapon repair efficiency (up to +100%).

What is unique on our part is that the system of skill bonuses is not limited to static bonuses - our character begins to hold weapons and reload differently, and use medications as needed.
As skills improve, new tactical opportunities open up for the player. The top level of the skill unlocks an elite skill. Well, the fact that without upgrading skills a character begins to forget them is also an innovation.
The inventory system is a classic slot inventory, with a backpack, unloading system, pockets, slots for equipment and weapons, etc.

Will there be clans/other permanent groups?

Yes, the game plans to have a clan system where you can assemble your own group. We will not limit players on how and what to do in the clan. This could be like a fighting clan that hunts other players, or a trade guild where there are merchants and “gatherer” players.

Will there be an economy in the game?

Yes, the game features an extensive, dynamic economic system. It will be possible to trade both with other players and with NPC traders. The dynamism of the economic system also lies in the fact that, in addition to players and NPC traders, the overall economic situation will be influenced by various random factors: shortages, floating exchange rates, even the health status of the merchant - all these parameters will be controlled by AI.

How realistic will the game be?

We, the development team, ourselves really love hardcore and realistic projects and, of course, we want to make EFT as realistic as possible in all aspects - health, combat, inventory management, interaction between characters, graphics, sound, etc.
Your character can die from a number of unfavorable factors, such as wounds, infection, exhaustion, dehydration, etc. The player is susceptible to hypothermia, concussion, clouding of mind, he will have to correctly use medicines, equip weapons with ammunition, and also use these weapons so that at a certain moment the cartridge does not become misaligned. This list can be continued for a very long time.

How realistic are the shooting mechanics?

Not only the shooting mechanics, but also the weapon itself and its customization are our great pride. The weapon will behave very realistically in battle: physical recoil, wedges and misfires, bullets will have a realistic ballistic model - they will change trajectory after breaking through surfaces, will split and ricochet. Even powder gases in flame arresters will spread as in real life.

How detailed will the customization be?

You can already quickly evaluate in the Action gameplay video how deeply it will be possible to customize weapons. Almost any part can be replaced or removed, complete freedom of customization, which will allow each player to create their own unique weapon configuration to suit their personal playing style. Customization also includes replacing magazines, installing flashlights and laser sights, tactical grips, various sights, etc. On some samples it will be possible to change even the bolt handle and trigger.

How many unique weapons are planned in the game?

Very, very much. For example, we have a desire to make a line of absolutely all versions of AK

What can be customized besides weapons?

It is planned to customize MOLLE unloading systems, clothing and other equipment.

Will there be crafting in the game? (creating objects from scrap materials)

It will, but not in the form in which it is implemented in some projects. It will be impossible to assemble a machine gun from pieces of wood, bolts and tape. Only from real spare parts will it be possible to assemble something, for example, by finding all the AK74M spare parts separately (magazine / receiver / receiver cover / bolt / barrel, etc.) you can assemble the machine itself.

In addition to weapons, there will be types of items that can be combined.

Will the game be available on Steam?

Yes, we plan to use the Steam platform.

Will there be Steam Workshop support and support for custom mods?

Maybe. Works from the workshop will undergo our acceptance process in order to be allowed into the world of the game. Custom mods that somehow change the gameplay will not be allowed, because... We have a network game.

Will I need to buy early access to play on the CBT?

No, this is not necessary, although of course, players who pre-order will have guaranteed access. The rest will get access by choosing a random lucky winner from those who subscribed to the newsletter.

What are the system requirements? Will there be gamepad support?

System requirements are not yet known, but we will try to keep them low. At this stage, the game produces 120+ FPS at maximum speed on an above-average configuration.

We have already tried connecting a gamepad for purely experimental purposes, so it is possible that it will be supported.

On what engine? Will there be cross-platform support for Mac and *nix?

The game is made on the basis of Unity 5, although a considerable part of the graphical functionality was written by us ourselves from scratch. A release on the Mac is planned, but it is not yet clear whether this instance will play in the general space of players.

Is this a game from the developers of Stalker?

We have repeatedly noticed that the materials of Escape from Tarkov are often attributed to “from the creators of STALKER”, “from the developers of STALKER”. This is wrong. There is only one former STALKER developer on the team, and therefore it is incorrect to position the project in this way.

The developers of Battlestate Games have worked on different projects in different genres, but we are all united by a love for real hardcore shooters, of which there are not so many.

What about a console version, planned or not?

A console version is being considered, but it’s too early to talk about it.

How can I sign up for the closed beta?

As mentioned, the guaranteed way to get into the beta test is to pre-order the game, which will open soon. However, due to the scale of testing, we cannot do without the help of the lucky ones, randomly selected from among subscribers to our website's newsletter

When is the beta test, EFT release?

The start of closed beta testing is planned for the first quarter of 2016.
The game is scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2016.

I believe that I have insane skills in level design (modeling, programming) and want to join the development team. Are there any vacancies and what are the requirements?

If you think that you really have professional skills in the field of game development, then you can write to [email protected] indicating the subject of the letter and your resume. We are always looking for talented specialists to join our team.

Are you independent or already have a publisher/sponsor? What should I do if I want to sponsor the development of a game?

Write to [email protected] your sponsorship/publishing offers

Are there plans for a special edition with an art book/figurines/caps, etc.?

Yes. Oddly enough, we are planning a boxed version of Escape from Tarkov, including a gift one.